"A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me." John 16:32

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow, snow, and MORE snow!

Well what can I say, it snowed today and ALL day yesterday!  We had a record breaking 20'' of snow in the past 24 hours.  It started snowing Wednesday morning at 7:30 and hasn't stopped!  At first of course it was nice to see everything all covered in white, until we realized EVERYTHING was covered in white!
Jason's car is under there somewhere.
This is our neighbor's car! No joke!
Jason's best attempt at a snow angel!
Noah was actually excited to get out into the snow.  All he wanted to do was wrestle Daddy in it (until he fell face first!  Then the fun was over.)
I can't believe the snow came all the way up to Noah's shoulders!  This is him and Jason in the front yard.
He loves to help Daddy shovel and does a pretty good job at it.  I'm sure he won't like it as much a couple years from now.
And of course, the cold set in and we were done!
So while I sit here and write this, we have no idea if or when we'll make it to California.  They had to shut down the airport because they could not plow or salt the runways fast enough.  My family is trying to give Noah a birthday party this Sunday and we don't know if we'll make it!  Please pray if God allows us to make it out of here, we have a safe flight and do not get stuck on a plane, runway, or airport for hours!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday (with less snow!)

Backyard snow

This is our back porch this afternoon.  The little bit of black you see to the right is our bar-b-que and the little brown you see to the left is a dog house.
Jason standing out in the middle of the backyard with the snow above his knees.  I just love the little bit of fence you can see in the back!
There was so much snow in the back that the dogs wouldn't go outside to go to the bathroom.  Well I guess its that they really couldn't go outside.  Bugsy tried jumping through the snow once until he sunk completely under the snow and freaked out.  I guess I would too if the snow came up over my head.  Jason had to carve a path just for them to go out.
Once they knew they could get out there they loved trying to run through it!

Our Christmas

Since we're going to California for Christmas this year, we had our own little Christmas this morning before we leave.  Noah was excited to see presents under the tree.  After he opened one he didn't want to keep opening, he was too interested in reading the new book he got.  Elijah loved pulling at the paper but of course didn't really care what was inside.  We had a fun time having our own little Christmas!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Noah & Elijah

It's hard to believe Elijah's already 4 months old.  He had a doctor's visit today and tipped the scales at 17lb. 9oz. (27in. long)!!!!  I guess we really should have named him Tank!  He weights 2lbs. more and is an inch longer than Noah was at 4 months.  He's already wearing size 6-9months.  In about 10 years I'm going to have an expensive grocery bill with my 3 boys!
What's even harder to believe is that Noah will be 2 at the end of this month!  He is such a blessing.  He makes us laugh everyday by saying the most random things.  He repeats everything he hears and loves to watch and play football with Dad.  He knows his ABC's, how to count to 20, and how to spell his name (thankfully there's only 4 letters!)  He is a loving big brother that will run to Elijah when he's crying.  Many times we'll hear him say, "What's the matter Li-la?"  "It's okay Li-la!  It's okay!" or "I know Li-la!  I know!"  It's cute now that he calls Elijah "Li-la" but I'm sure Elijah won't enjoy it when he's older.
As we head to California for Christmas and Noah's birthday, we hope everyone has a great holiday and gets to spend time with family and friends!  God bless you all!